My Holiday Open House went great! Thank you to all of you who stopped by. The first picture is of the tables I had set up in my family room. As mentioned in a previous post I usually set these events up in my basement but it is out of comission right now with the re-do of my craft room going on. Before my basement was finished I used to hold events on my main level so this wasn't unfamiliar territory for me. I pulled the love seat to the wall to create more space. The tables in the first photo are my retired stamp sets for sale and hand-stamped cards for sale. The other table is a bunch of hand-stamped items for show and tell, catalogues, retirement list, specials, etc.
The next photo is a table set up with hand-stamped gifts for sale. The last photo was my dining room table where everyone made the gift card holder make-n-take. Everyone seemed to really like the make-n-take!
I always enjoy having my customers stop by to see what I have been up to and to share ideas with. I hope you enjoyed the little peak into my open house. I should have taken photos with people there. I had a steady flow of people throughout the day so I didn't remember to take photos. I'm just glad I remembered to take photos of the setup before everyone showed up.
Happy stamping!
You did a beautiful job with the set up!
Wow! You are very organized and it looks wonderful!! What a treat for your customers! Love those little baskets of chocolate you made!!
Everything looks wonderful! I'm so glad your open house was a success!
Looks wonderful - so glad it was successful
Everything looks so organized and wonderful! Your home is gorgeous!
Oh, your holiday open house looks so nice. I LOVE it! I love the projects that you did too. So lovely!
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