I was nominated for a couple of awards. The first award is from Carol if Crazy for Crafting. It's called the You Cheer Me Up Award. What an honor to be nominated! Of course you all cheer me up just by visiting my blog and leaving me comments. I'll select a few of you to nominate. I'll start with Gabby from Confessions of a Stamper. She definitely cheered me up with the fabulous Pay it Forward gifts she sent me! Plus she's a super cool and talented stamper! Next up is Jenn from De-stressing with Paper. Your super kind comments and support are so appreciated! Lastly, I'll nominate Amy G of AmyGdesigns. She's such an upbeat and sweet lady. Thanks to all of you for visiting my blog and sharing your comments with me!
The second award is share the love award from Gwen. The blogging community is a generous and loving one. I'm so proud to be a part of it. This award is meant to spread blog love to others through support, comments and really all-around blog love. Thanks so much for nominating me Gwen! I'm supposed to nominate 3 bloggers. That's a tough one. There are so many supportive bloggers who visit my site. I'm going to go with my most loyal ones: Alex, Rose Ann, and Carol. You ladies are always so kind and generous with your comments on my blog! This one's for you!
I need to go prep for my Valentine's class tonight. I'm such a procrastinator sometimes!
Awww...thanks Kathleen! You're so sweet to think of little ol' me. ;) You cheer me up too!
Thanks Kathleen, how sweet! I love your blog and cannot wait to meet you in person! I have made Tony promise me that the next trip to Minneapolis, he has to take me! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex
Congratulations on your awards! I agree, Gabby is a fabulous and talented person. How sweet of you to have been awarded for such nice awards! You surely deserve them!
Your SBS2 sis,
Oh Kathleen! I'm honored! Thank you so much! I love visiting you, because your creations are fantastic! Thank you!!
Congrats on the awards Kathleen - hope your V-Day stamp camp went well - be sure and post pictures!! I always love your projects! I am holding my V-day stamp camp next week. Need to firm up my projects for that - so can't wait to see what you've done :)
Congratulations on your awards!! I LUV Lucy! haha! I loved the episode with her and Ethel at the chocolate factory- it always makes me think of me gathering the eggs!! ROFL!! I am at the library tonight commenting because my stupid 'puter won't let me comment on some of my siestas blogs!
Congratulations on your awards!!! Very much deserved!!!
Thanks so much for nominating me, Kathleen! I am very honored!!
Awww Kathleen...how super sweet! See what I miss out on when I'm don't go to blogs? I've been such a bad blog friend. :( Thanks for the award though! :D I may have to come up with one myself soon to pass around to those deserving! ;)
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